Friday, December 6, 2019

Year-end Message to Homeowners

2019 is about to end and I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on what transpired the past year as far as our association is concerned.  Starting April this year, the association filed civil cases against homeowners with arrears to the association.  The cases we filed at the Municipal Trial Court and at the HLURB are lawsuits to collect a sum of money against some non-paying homeowners.  Today, I am happy to report that some of the homeowners involved in these cases are arranging to settle, while some of these cases are now in progress.  This is going to continue in 2020.  The Board reckons that filing of cases against delinquency is now the new normal for the association.

Being a member in good standing, you are a partner of the association.  You are the reason the association exists to provide services to its members.  On your shoulders rest the funding of our security guards, maintenance and upkeep of open spaces, side walks and roads.  You are the reason why we have a tranquil and peaceful subdivision.

If there is anything bothering you, please don’t hesitate to let us know about it.  We know about your current plight about stray dogs.  Please help us fix this problem by identifying the names of your neighbors who let their dogs roam the streets.  As soon as you report the name of the dog owner to us and with the help of the Barangay, we will require the dog owner to take his or her dog off the street or the dog must be leashed when on the streets.

I am excited about what 2020 brings us.  In behalf of the Board of Directors of Victoria Hills Homeowners Association, Inc. I am wishing everyone in Phase 4 a blessed Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Roel Toledo


  1. That was a nice letter and I wish you a Happy New Year. However there are issues which are not even addressed. Walking through this community you would think it is one big chicken farm. As you know, poultry is not aallowed in subdivisionss. It is against the law. However in the 10 years I hve complained about the situation, nothing is done. Now stray chickens walk down the road to wke me each morning. I always like to suggest a fix for each complaint so why don't you go to the barangay and make complaints on all those with chickens. I know many of them are nice and they are freinds but again, it is illegal! As for getting the names of the dog owners, this is not practiclal. A net and a cage would be easier. The dogs are worst than ever.

    1. Happy New Year, Jack! In our upcoming general assembly meeting, we will be inviting somebody from the municipal health office to speak about the legality and hazards of raising poultry in subdivisions. Before going to the barangay to raise a complaint, I feel that awareness of the law and understanding the ill effects of poultry on sanitation and health are keys to a smooth resolution to this problem.
