Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Circular to Homeowners in Good Standing

We are sending this circular to you as a member of the homeowners association in good standing.  We are aware of your long-standing plight against non-paying homeowners of our subdivision.  For a very long time, delinquent homeowners have avoided or refused to pay their monthly dues.  To address this problem, we are pleased to let you know that the association has made a significant step this year to make them pay the monthly dues.  We have already filed money collection lawsuits against six homeowners with the highest arrears.  The goal of the lawsuits we already filed is to extract by legal means a payment owed to the association.  The six cases are currently in various stages and some of them could be resolved in the next few months.  The number of cases pending and still to be filed will increase in the next few months because the Board has vowed to apply this legal remedy individually across all delinquent homeowners.

The officers and Board members face zero cases.  This information is important because amidst the hoopla raised by delinquent members, we proved our point that there has been really no case to be made against officers performing their duties to the association.

The filing of cases is a major milestone because we now have an opportunity to make everyone share the burden in paying the monthly dues.  The Board of Directors is excited because now more than ever, we have a chance to become a better homeowners association with better services.  Everyone would have equal opportunity to enjoy living in a peaceful community while at the same time, diligently perform the duties of a homeowner in our beloved subdivision.

Roel Toledo

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